Like Strangers Do

Soooooo~~ Today I’m going to meet my junior, Klemp, who studies in Sendai and a friend I only know online (from DnD Indonesia Discord server), Hawthorne, in Kyoto! Fortunately Hawt was having an exchange here in Kyoto University from his Graduate school in Indonesia and Klemp said the ticket to Kyoto from Sendai was cheap currently. So, voila! Suddenly it’s a meet-up! XD

I met Klemp at Kyoto Station first for later meet up with Hawt on Shijo area. And after that we’re having a walk and later dinner at Ayam-Ya.

We ended up having a lotta chat about TRPG and such during dinner at Ayam-Ya (luckily, it was a bit empty that time, so we can chat freely). Nevertheless, it was a fun time. \(>w<)/

Thank you Klemp & Hawt for a nice short visit to Kyoto! Hope we can meet again next time on another place! IT WAS FUN!

That’s all for now. Jya~ne! ๐Ÿ˜€

Sincerely, Bena nDR

Into A Fantasy

Some fellow in one of the Discord server I’m joining give this interesting link to try. It’s to see what type of player we are.

The link is in here.

It was based on Robin’s Laws of Good Game Mastering, where player was divided into six types, which are derived from 4 types which Glen Blacow described. Somehow I rarely know this kind of articles and such regarding gaming, maybe will check it next time. ๐Ÿ˜€

So, I tried to take the test as well, and here is the result… Continue reading

Once Upon Another Time #2

Finally 2018 reaches its end… And with this, my 2018 illustration highlights will also reach it’s end. Doesn’t mean I’ll stop making it, though. There’s still years to come, and I’ll continue with next year’s highlights as well. ๐Ÿ˜€

So, for the months I haven’t post here: October, November, December, here are the highlights:

Continue reading

While You Were Sleeping

Another illustration of Melo n Yoru. Don’t know why wanted to draw them sleeping soundly like this. Maybe because they never had those chance back in the campaign.ย meru oyas

Still learning on how to color digitally once again. But nevertheless… I love how this pic turns out. (^^)

Anyways, I guess that’s all for now. Jya~ne! ๐Ÿ˜€


Sincerely, Bena nDR

Rolling In The Deep

( ;A; )
Just want to rant a bit here…

So in my gaming group’s current filler campaign (a DnD 4e Dark Sun campaign), I played as a Nibenese noble Ardent named Rana. Usually he was like in OK condition (or at least not in a bad roll continuously…

But since a friend of mine said I have good rolls in last campaign, I ended up writing down my rolls for sessions. And seeing Rana’s roll today, I feel like I wanted to cry. |||Orz


Pardon for my bad writings.. It’s just a scribble note ;_;)

Like… From 14 rolls, only 4 is above 10… ( ._. ) Oh well… Maybe the story goes that way indeed… (At least I’m not making one campus goes black out or Discord error when rolling 20)

Guess that’s all for this time’s rant… ;_; )

Jya ne… |||Orz

Sincerely, Bena nDR

Don’t Think Twice

Somehow ended up making this illustration of Miri and Luca in alternate setting (yes, yes, blame my laziness for drawing horns and big tiefling ears XD)..

So! This is Miri and Luca in their wedding dress. Somehow it felt perfect with Utada Hikaru’s song for Kingdom Heart 3: [Chikai-Oath] and [Don’t Think Twice]. ๐Ÿ˜€

lineart milu wed.jpg

In the campaign, they didn’t even have a “wedding ceremony” or anything like that. Just a simple vow between the two of them. Not on a big grandeur place, just a small inn with unknown name under the moonlight.

Both me and Rush (the owner of Luca’s character) back then agree that Utada Hikaru’s [Chikai-Oath] and [Don’t Think Twice] fits for the scene back then. And what’s more interesting is, each songs feels like fitting for each character. [Chikai-Oath] for Luca and [Don’t Think Twice] for Miri. :”)

Will definitely color this pic later on. ๐Ÿ˜€

Guess that’s all for now~! Jya~ne! ๐Ÿ˜€


Sincerely, Bena nDR

Story of Our Life

Lately been realizing something.. It seems I often draw pairings from my Pen n Paper RPG campaigns. (O_O)

If you read it on my previous post, it seems a lot of my PCs have someone they have crush in (especially after I play online).


Just due to randomness, I want to list the pairing and collect the illustrations of my PC pairing here while seeing which couple I often draw until now. XD Wkwkwkwkwkwk Yes it’s random I know..

But anyway.. Let’s start with the list~!! ๐Ÿ˜€

  1. Clerest Incendie and Ark Feathersky
  2. Sanada Yumi and Takeda Kurosu
  3. Sanada Yumi and Hojo Yuki
  4. Randrea Blaumaire and Silosse
  5. Narasaki Ryoko and Ryomusha
  6. Alycia Bellemere and Hope
  7. Rosemary Livingstone and Lucas
  8. Rosemary Livingstone and Juan Pablo de Rodriguez (*
  9. Diego Luis Fernando and Neves Renata de Alvares e Corte-Real (*
  10. Melody Claire-Anette and Yoruno Yami (*
  11. Xiao Long Bao and Kevin Eleanor (#
  12. Jasmine Damasco & Freija and Jhon
  13. Felicia Faye and Skyler Embershield (#
  14. Felicia Faye and Rukhe Femaab (*
  15. Serendipity Nightwave and Ephraim Erste
  16. Solmefreyr Nostariel and Ephream Este (*
  17. Krasnaya Zvezda and Zharenaya Baranina (*
  18. BoA aka Bo-Ah and Nergui Num (**
  19. BoA aka Bo-Ah and Guan Teng (*
  20. Yvaine Stargazer and Seth (*
  21. Miriam Day and Luca Elluci (*

The list was a mix of pairings of PCs which still have a one sided love / interest, broken hearted ( # ), the ones that already become couple ( * ), and special case (**).ย  Continue reading

Song For Two

Finally managed to finish this illustration piece. It’s my late DnD character, Miriam Day, and her partner, Luca Elluci.


I tried to make a bit “adult” feel on this illustration (since on the scene it was supposed before they do something more private). Love how it turns out, although not sure if I nail the “adult” feel or not. XD

Oh, and also I’m trying to play with another lineart color palette. ๐Ÿ˜€ It was fun to change how you draw once in a while… Hehehehe… (^^)

Anyways, that’s all for now. Jya~ne! ๐Ÿ˜€


Sincerely, Bena nDR

SHY De Mo Ii Yo

So… Suddenly I got the urge of wanting to draw this pair again.

This is Melody Claire-Anette (Melo), my Pathfinder character from the campaign Silvarion Kingdoms. I play as her around 2014 if I’m not mistaken. The grey haired boy is a boy she had a crush on, Yamino Yoru (Yoru).


Back then their relationship was a bit… unclear.. Due to both of them was kind of shy (although they already confess to each other), and somewhat often having some miscommunication. Well, the campaign ended with their relationship wasn’t clear going where.

Nevertheless, this two are still one of the pairing I like between the other pairings. Ufufufu (=p=)

Anyways, guess that’s all for now. Jya~ne! ๐Ÿ˜€


Sincerely, Bena nDR

Girls Like You

Finally after months of contemplating… I finally ended up making a new character for one-shot sessions in DnD Indonesia discord’s Adventure League. As usual, I’m going with my favorite class: Bard.

And after discussing with Ryu on what kind of character I’m going to make, this girl finally come to play. Meet Rhys Vermillion, my character for Adventure League one-shot sessions. I’m using Cryptract’s Sasha for the character pic. ๐Ÿ˜€

And this is her character sheet. ๐Ÿ˜€

Somehow after discussing things with Ryu, I ended up having a revelation. Somehow I always use characters with blonde hair for one-shot characters or characters which I’m not going to play for a long time. For serious ones, I usually ended up choosing characters with red, brown or other dark hair color tones. ๐Ÿ˜ฎ

Is it true? I’m not sure myself. But so far, that’s the case. :/ย  Maybe things will go different after this revelation. Not sure though.

Anyways, that’s all for now I guess! ๐Ÿ˜€ Jya~ne! :3


Sincerely, Bena nDR